
Saturday, 28 January 2012

Did anyone recieved the laptops????

 I, __________________S/D/o ____________________CNIC # __________________
 R/​o _________________________________​______________________________​___
 understand that Government of the Punjab is giving me a laptop computer as a gift, in
 recognition of my academic achievements. I do hereby undertake that:-
 (i) I am eligible as per criteria specified for award of laptop, and accept the gift of
 laptop from Government of Punjab.
 (ii) This laptop computer shall be used only for academic research and
 improvement of my IT skills.
 (iii) This laptop computer shall NOT be sold to anyone.
 (iv) I am not employed anywhere and not availing HEC scholarship (for Ph.D/ M.
 Phil students).
 I also understand that in case of any misuse of this laptop or any attempt to sell it to any
 other person, Government of the Punjab reserves all rights to take administrative / legal
 action against me. However,
 I already have a personal laptop / can afford to buy a new personal
 laptop. Therefore I FOREGO* this facility from Government of
 Punjab, in favour of a more deserving student.
 (Signature of the applicant)
 Name: ______________________________​____________________________ Class: ___________________
 University/College/​Board: __________________________________________________​____________
 Permanent Residential Address: ______________________________​__________________________
 District: ______________________________​______________ Contact Number: ___________________
 Email Address (if available): ______________________________​______________________________​_
 Service Tag Number of Laptop: ______________________________​ Date: ___________________
 Verified by:
 (Stamp and Sign. of Head of University/ College /Board)
 * The eligible students who FOREGO this facility will be given a certificate of thanks by
 the Chief Minister Punjab in a special ceremony followed by a dinner.

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